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Brisbane Airport to Host Career Expo to Recruit Staff

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DALLAS – Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) will host the BNE Careers Expo on September 10, 2022, in an effort to recruit up to 2,000 new employees.

At the event, potential employees will have the chance to speak with businesses “face-to-face,” and a variety of opportunities will be open. These include jobs in the following industries: airlines, retail, hotels, customer service, bus driving, landscaping, engineering, security, and corporate services, according to airporstinternational.com.

The next Expo would not only be utilized to fill vacancies but also to aid candidates in researching potential future job options at the Queensland site. At the airport, there are already 425 companies employing about 24,000 people, and by 2050, that number is expected to reach 60,000.

bneinside-1024x685.jpegPhoto: BNE

Comments from BAC CEO

Gert-Jan de Graaff, CEO of BAC, said, “We need to get people thinking about this place as not only a gateway for a holiday, but a destination for a satisfying career. This is one of the most important job hubs in Queensland. You can work nine to five in an office, or you can work at an airport city. I’ve been around airports for most of my life, there’s a buzz here you don’t find anywhere else, no matter what industry you work in. There is honestly something interesting happening on this precinct all the time.

“The Brisbane Airport precinct is a 24/7 city in itself. There are shifts around the clock that can work with modern families and their needs. We have people here choosing to do shifts that fit around their kids, or partners’ work. We have day-care onsite. This is a place that never closes, serving the needs of Queensland. And you get a free airshow every day.”

Featured image: BNE

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