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FIA2022: Aviation Capital Group Orders 12 Boeing 737 MAX Jets

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FARNBOROUGH – More good news continues to come out of FIA2022 for Boeing. The plane manufacturer and leasing firm, Aviation Capital Group LLC, announced that (AAG) will grow its 737 MAX fleet with an order for 12 additional Boeing 737-8 jets.

Aviation Capital Group makes the purchase in light of the continuing growth and recovery in the airline industry and also to offer its clients’ demand for more modern and fuel-efficient aircraft.

Screen-Shot-2022-07-19-at-10.14.21-AM-10Photo: Max Langley/Airways

Company Comments

“This latest incremental 737 MAX order allows ACG to offer highly fuel-efficient airplanes to our airline customers around the world,” said Mahoko Hara, ACG Executive Chair.  “These additional 737 MAX aircraft will help position ACG’s order book for a recovery in air traffic coming out of the pandemic.”

With this order, AAG grows its 737 MAX order book to 34 jets. It ordered nine 737-8s in May. Despite past difficulties with the plane, Boeing is seeing strong market demand for the 737 MAX family. It has booked 1000 gross orders across all models since late 2020.

“The 737 MAX family strengthens ACG’s narrowbody portfolio, providing operators with excellent fuel efficiency and flexibility across different networks,” said Ihssane Mounir, Boeing senior vice president of Commercial Sales and Marketing. “Topping up with additional 737-8s positions ACG well to respond to growing airline demand. We look forward to more opportunities to expand our relationship to support ACG and their customers.”

AviationCapitalFleet-1024x730.pngA view of Aviation Capital’s portfolio of aircraft Image: Aviation Capital website.

About Aviation Capital Group

Founded in 1989, Aviation Capital Group is a full-service aircraft asset manager with over 450 owned, managed, and committed aircraft as of March 31, 2022. Those aircraft are leased to approximately 85 airlines in approximately 45 countries. ACG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo Century Corporation.

A complete look at Aviation Capital Group’s portfolio of aircraft is available at this link.

Featured image: Boeing

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