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Posts posted by Seeker

  1. 23 hours ago, Kip Powick said:


    Canoodle ???😆 I have only owned cars that have/had centre consoles .

    Canoodle .....Isn't that what the back seat was for...... plus more advanced canoodling ??? 🤣🤣

    I have canoodled in many different vehicles - believe me, where there's desire you can find a way!  Some of my best canoodling was in the back seat of a 1972 Toyota Corolla - you have got to be motivated to make that work.

  2. 28 minutes ago, conehead said:

    Wait… they’d still be lifting the weight of the food, it would just be in their bellies. And on a similar note; if your aircraft is in flight, carrying a load of 100,000 budgies and they all start flapping their wings and lift off their perches, does the aircraft suddenly get lighter?

    I always wondered the same thing but it was solved by the Mythbusters;


  3. 4 hours ago, dagger said:

    Any views on which aircraft the 18 787-10s will replace, since the purchase is being described as a fleet renewal move? Is this a one for one replacement of A330s?

    Hello dagger, good to see you post, we've missed you.

    No consensus amongst pilots (and no clear message to them from management).  Speculation includes, replacing 330s, moving 330s to Rouge to replace lost 767 fins, replacing 777s.  Various comments attributed to management, but obviously unconfirmed, is that they don't want 350s because they don't want another type or that they do want 350s and just haven't got the order figured out.  So, nobody I've heard from or talked to knows.

  4. So which is the greater effect or is it a wash?  Do contrails help cool the earth by reflecting some sunlight away or warm the earth by preventing some heat from leaving?  The cynic in me thinks it's a big nothing-burger and that it's an idea created by the climate crazies for fame and funding. 

    It's interesting and thanks for posting it but, IMHO ,of all the things on this planet worth fixing contrails are so far down the list as to be insignificant.


  5. The Dash-6 is a fantastic aircraft (I've flown it) but it's a blunt instrument.  The struts, the non-retractable gear, the big fat wing - good for STOL, off-airport bush work.  I do not think this is a good aircraft for airport-airport commuter flights.  The Beech -99 has the same engines, carries the same passengers (19) and cruises about 50% faster.  Completely unsuitable for bush work but beats the DHC-6 in airport operations.

  6. Yeah, so all the news stories and talking heads that said it was so fast that the occupants didn't even know they were dead might be completely wrong.  I thought right from the beginning that it was possible for a scenario where they quite aware of what was coming.  Assuming, of course, that the transcript is real.  These days we really have no idea.

    What I'm waiting for is the recovery of a recording from inside the sub because you know somebody had a GoPro recording the dive to show off to friends and family.  IDK, maybe the camera was destroyed, maybe the salt water dissolved the memory card, maybe it's too small to be found but I'd bet dollars to donuts there was one.

    BTW, "dollars to donuts" really has no meaning now as donuts cost more than a dollar but I'm guessing most readers still understand point.

  7. 8 hours ago, deicer said:

    As time goes on, the worse the Ocean Gate story gets...


    OceanGate CEO Bragged About Using Expired Carbon Fiber to Build Doomed Sub

    An engineer friend mentioned to me that carbon fiber is incredibly strong in tension (like it would be in an aircraft hull) but weak in compression (like it would be in a submersible). When the pressure is inside the stresses are pulling the fibers.when the pressure is outside the stresses are compressing the fibers - like trying to push a rope.  In that case the only strength is in the resin.

  8. 6 hours ago, MD2 said:

    Much of the turmoil, capitulations, and identity crisis at WestJet is created by a combative pilot group that simply doesn't trust management. In the face of continued resistance, the company cannot execute its plans, which stagnates its growth, which further retards pilot upgrades, inflaming the pilots even more, creating a vicious cycle that feeds itself.


    So the golden-boy, genius MBAs that parachute in every couple years bear no responsibility?  I'm sure they proclaimed their worth when negotiating their pay.

    Obviously all parties bear some responsibility but the employee group was initially very cooperative and engaged so why did that change?  How did the pilot group get to the point that they didn't trust management and were, in your words, combative? Don't say it's because of ALPA because ALPA came after, and as a result of, the change in sentiment not before.

    Seems to me the problems came with the Eastern expansion followed shortly by the 767 decision although maybe that's just coincidence.

    I have to admit that the creation of Westjet and it's initial decade were masterful but the subsequent "flightpath" - not so much.

    Why expand to the East and why the widebody expansion?  Westjet could have owned the entirety of Western Canada and every person from the bottom to the top could have been a millionaire.  Those are not decisions made by an employee group.

  9. On 5/25/2023 at 8:45 AM, Kip Powick said:

    This is actually a much deeper issue than most people realize.  The idea of making value judgements for other people and having them try to make them for you.

    I used to hear this one all the time;  if you refrain from buying a Starbucks cappucino every day on your coffee break you could save enough money for a vacation.  True, but perhaps the small amount of enjoyment each day is better for you than the vacation once a year - it should be for each person to make these judgements for themselves.

  10. 14 hours ago, Moon The Loon said:

    LOL! BTW, why can't plebes like me comment on illustrious moderators' posts??

    This is the default setting for the forum software - reactions ("likes" etc) are not enabled for admin or moderator posts.  But, now that you mentioned it, I've gone in a flipped the switch to allow reactions to moderator posts - you should be able to go back and do this if you want to.

    The reason for this default setting is to prevent someone from trying to get preferential treatment by "liking" all the moderator's or admin posts and to prevent someone else from claiming such is happening.

    Just re-read what you posted.  You should be able to quote and comment on Kip's posts.  Are you not able to do this?  I was thinking that you were talking about the "like" function being unavailable.

  11. 38 minutes ago, ILB said:

    Well done!  When the thread was first created I spent considerable time searching and came up with nothing at all and you found 3 separate sources!  Can I ask what search terms and search engine you used?

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