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Everything posted by boestar

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columni...-in-Redcar.html
  2. and another fine quote. "It is clear that, with the deep roots of the global warming scare, it is not about to go away. It has the added advantage of not being able to be proven false in our lifetime. In the meantime, the sanest course for us would be to gain what limited perspective we can (remembering the global cooling alarm of a generation ago) and proceed cautiously. We are going through a scare with many causes, and we need to step back from it, take a long second look at the scientific evidence, and not do anything rash"
  3. I loke this quote from the ICSC. " Nobody believes a weather prediction 7 days ahead but now we are asked to reorder our economy based on climate predictions 100 years hence"
  4. Have a look here. This goes back 90 days in YYZ. The middle graph depicts departure from the normal temp. It does seem we have spent more time on the up side than the down http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/glob.../tn71624_90.gif
  5. RE: Melting arctic ice and water level Try this little experiment... Place several cubes of ice in a glass. Fill said glass with water Wait for ice to melt What happens to the water level in the glass??? I am no expert in Physics or atmospherics or any such thing. I fix planes. One thing I do remember is that frozen water has a lower density than liquid water. There is also something about displacement of water.... My understanding of that tells me that melting arctic ice would cause a slight DECREASE in water levels not a RISE. Just some food for thought from a simple observer.
  6. My response is why does the general public fall for this "sky is falling" crap every time. The media blows this all out of proportion which draws every "expert" in the world out for his moment of fame. Fears sells. plain and simple. The public is scared for their children so they cough up money (to add to already rediculous taxes) to solve either a problem that doesnt exit or one we can do NOTHING about. I have said since this whole thing started that it is a natural earth cycle. This scam needs to be stopped and now. As it is just another Tax burden.
  7. Buy your global cooling offset credits here....I will sell them in advance and when someone dicides that we are urinating too much or some such thing I will off set it by cutting down tropical rainforest.
  8. all the petty bickering aside. Until someone proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that global warming or climate change as its now called because we are not getting warmer anymore, is in fact man made, I for one will not give one red cent to China or anyone else in the name of climate change. Did the dinosaurs cause the ice age and pay someone to fix it? not bloody likely. Look at all sides of the climate change debate and there are almost as many "scientists" saying it is a natural cycle or that watervapour is the largest cause (something we can do NOTHING about by the way so no money to be made). The arguments on both sides is compelling but the arguments are not based on FACTS but "Models" based on historical data that really is not fully or completely interpreted. I could make an ice core sample support the theory either way and that is actually what is happenning. Different interpretations of the same "evidence". In my view the whole Climate Change, Carbon Credit etc. is fear mongering in order to channel funds to certain parts of the populace. I may sound like a conspiracy theory but thats the way I see it. "Give me money and I will give you ......NOTHING in return" Utter Bull CRAP. /rant
  9. we are but sheep being led to the slaughter.
  10. OK with all this Climate Change hysteria and a different opinion from everyone who has an a$$h*^e. Who the heck do we believe. Even if there is too much CO2 in the atmosphere that has caused all this global warming / climate change. How do we get rid ofit. Sure we can sto adding to it but that doesnt fix the problem does it? If... IF this is really as big a problem as some say it is then we have built it up over the last. well lets just say 100 years. Can we stop it in less than that amount of time? Doubt it. Prevent it from getting worse? Maybe. I still have not seeen one convincing argument (compelling yes) that WE infact are causing any change at all. The earth has gone through warming and cooling cycles for millions of years. some worse thatn others. Heck wasnt most of this country under an ocean at one point. What makes us think we can have any control over mother nature by lining the pockets of the scare mongers with cash. Sorry I just don't give in to fear tactics that involve paying for some intangable "thing" that has no real proof to back it up and certainly no proof that it can be fixed with money. Peole are getting rich off this carbon credit crap while nothing is actually changing. Sure they are planting some trees so people feel greeny flying over the atlantic but hell we are cutting them down 1000 times faster than we are planting them. Sorry not buying it at all. if we are doomed to suffer global warming (not here in ontarion BTW coldest summer I can remember) then so be it. We are humans we will adapt and survive. End incoherant rant
  11. I believe in Climate Change... The Climate Changes...Always has always will.
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