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Everything posted by deicer

  1. This one is for Kip when he's travelling about again! https://scubadiverlife.com/top-10-airplane-wrecks-scuba-dive/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hABBXLH2YUA
  3. Working flaps, slats, lights, awesome! https://youtu.be/XnbNd5L3QjU
  4. If you're a nerd, this is really cool! Opens up future research into things that need strong magnetic fields, such as fusion power. https://spectrum.ieee.org/nanoclast/semiconductors/nanotechnology/magnetic-field-record-set-with-a-bang-1200-tesla
  5. Live coverage from the ISS of the arrival of Bob and Doug... https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#public
  6. Awesome to see the technology that is being put to use in this endeavor! Elon Musk is brilliant in how he has put together these companies to build the ideas that he had. Will be fascinating to see what his next brainstorm will bring us! On a lighter note, had to giggle just a bit every time the commentators on TV said it was 'Bob and Doug' going into space. Edited to add this picture which popped up moments ago....
  7. Necessity is the mother of invention. All you guys use too much bandwidth, so they're gonna fix that! It might be just enough to keep up with Jaydee……. https://www.iflscience.com/technology/experimental-optical-chip-breaks-internet-record-speed/ An experimental optical chip developed in a collaboration between Australian universities has recorded the fastest Internet data speed in the world by achieving 44.2 Terabits per second from a single light source. That’s like downloading 1,000 high-definition movies in a fraction of a second. As reported in Nature Communications, the technology is smaller and lighter than existing telecommunication hardware and was tested on infrastructure already commercially available. Though it will certainly be costly at first, the tech might have a quick turnaround in becoming widely available. "We're currently getting a sneak peek of how the infrastructure for the Internet will hold up in two to three years' time, due to the unprecedented number of people using the Internet for remote work, socializing, and streaming. It's really showing us that we need to be able to scale the capacity of our Internet connections," co-lead author Dr Bill Corcoran from Monash University said in a statement. Current technology uses 80 lasers, but the new device doesn’t need them. The optical chip is designed as a “micro-comb” for the light that is transmitted through the fiber. The micro-comb breaks up the light, producing hundreds of laser-like signals and each can be used as its own communication channel. The test was done on 76.6km of "dark" optical fibers between RMIT University's Melbourne City Campus and Monash University's Clayton Campus. The moniker “dark” here stands for unused. Dark fibers are commonly rented from network service providers. "Long-term, we hope to create integrated photonic chips that could enable this sort of data rate to be achieved across existing optical fiber links with minimal cost," co-author, and Distinguished Professor at RMIT, Arnan Mitchell, explained. "Initially, these would be attractive for ultra-high-speed communications between data centers. However, we could imagine this technology becoming sufficiently low cost and compact that it could be deployed for commercial use by the general public in cities across the world." The team now plans to scale current transmitters to provide faster data without increasing their size, weight, or cost. Their goal is a 100-fold increase in Internet speed from hundreds of gigabits per second towards the tens of terabits per second as demonstrated in their test.
  8. Nope, essential. I have worked through the whole pandemic. As a humorous poke at putting on the 'covid 19' during furlough (like the 'freshman 15?) if you can't smile at that, I suspect that certain body parts are way too tight.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWOySU_hAz0
  10. https://aviationhumor.net/awesome-concorde-photos-and-their-backstories
  11. Next time you visit Korea... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZxKdgiisAU
  12. Dambuster Raid- Time lapse... https://youtu.be/pYMN7ov7EG0
  13. https://worldwarwings.com/what-its-like-to-be-buzzed-by-an-sr-71-at-460-mph/
  14. https://www.popsci.com/story/technology/boeing-loyal-wingman-fighter-jet-drone-prototype http://www.boeing.com/defense/airpower-teaming-system/index.page#/videos/boeing-airpower-teaming-system-capabilities-video
  15. No agenda. As a distraction during this time, I am just putting up cool things that I run across that you can peruse if you wish to kill some time. Aviation or not...
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=homiGMUuhC4
  17. Could we be going back to biplanes? https://www.popsci.com/story/technology/nasa-boeing-truss-braced-wing-airplane/
  18. Wouldn't you want to tour this? https://www.businessinsider.com/boeing-business-jet-747-8i-private-photos-interior-2020-3
  19. https://worldwarwings.com/what-are-the-distinct-differences-between-the-a-12-and-sr-71/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc5bzKNW1Bk
  20. https://theaviationgeekclub.com/watch-an-xb-70-valkyrie-mach-3-bomber-doing-an-emergency-landing/
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