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Canus Chinookus

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Canus Chinookus last won the day on February 2 2010

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  1. Bingo! Keep up the good work, WOXOF, just don't rub their noses in it. It's tough enough getting them to open their mind to the possibility they've been duped.
  2. It's nice to see the media finally reporting about climate change issues in a more responsible manner.
  3. If you mean "end of the world" or Apocalypse, you might want to consider the meaning of the word may also mean "a prophetic disclosure or revelation". Maybe the world will change forever as we know it, for better or worse? Or none of the above, which is what I'm inclined to think.
  4. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/f...c-meltdown.aspx
  5. my browser, google chrome, shows 17 pages... oh well.
  6. If any of you doomsdayers/MMGL'ers get anything out of this 17 page climate change thread, it's that the science is most definitely NOT settled. If you can see even that little then I do have hope that maybe there's some sense out there.
  7. long day... read the enTIRE response! doh, I missed that!
  8. I think you're right about Alberta's desire, but it was already established long before the premiers of Quebec and Ontario made fools of themselves on the world stage.
  9. He's right WOXOF. Posting a link is just the right thing to do.
  10. I was going to post that Hadji, but I lost the will.
  11. Well, I meant the 'official' reason, not the real reason.
  12. Sorry Defcon, you're getting off topic. This thread is about Climate Change, not about the Environment! If Copenhagen was about the environment, there would be far different arguments being presented. Let's not stray, shall we?
  13. The Smoking Gun At Darwin Zero by Willis Eschenbach People keep saying “Yes, the Climategate scientists behaved badly. But that doesn’t mean the data is bad. That doesn’t mean the earth is not warming.” Darwin Airport - by Dominic Perrin via Panoramio Let me start with the second objection first. The earth has generally been warming since the Little Ice Age, around 1650. There is general agreement that the earth has warmed since then. See e.g. Akasofu . Climategate doesn’t affect that. The second question, the integrity of the data, is different. People say “Yes, they destroyed emails, and hid from Freedom of information Acts, and messed with proxies, and fought to keep other scientists’ papers out of the journals … but that doesn’t affect the data, the data is still good.” Which sounds reasonable.... http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/12/08/the-...at-darwin-zero/
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