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Critical thinker

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Posts posted by Critical thinker

  1. 3 hours ago, J.O. said:

    I wanted to like this post but it seems that option isn’t available for your comments. 

    That said, I’m not a fan of people who appear on a forum anonymously and immediately start tossing hand grenades and calling people who’ve chosen to be vaccinated “naive idiots”. If you (Mr. C. T.) truly had the courage of your convictions, you would put your name to what you say. This IMHO is why you’re getting the blowback, and you’ve earned it.

    I also want to be clear that while I believe in the vaccine program, I am dead set against the mandate. I’m having a hard time seeing past the hypocrisy of a government that spent months telling us their political opponents didn’t truly believe in a woman’s right to make choices for her own body, then turning around and telling all of us that we don’t have the right to determine what is injected into our bodies, all in in exchange for a paycheque or the right to get on an airplane. I also hate what this is doing to the mental health of a lot of good people. I’m lucky to work for a company that treats every team member as family. We’re struggling to reconcile what’s been forced on us by the mandate with the damage its doing to our culture. It’s a small sample of what’s being done to our country, and I’m sick of it.

    I don’t believe my opinions were bombs and as far as insults, I never cower from anyone who would try to bully me or anyone else. That’s why I fired back. I didn’t ask to be insulted and as far as my Anonymity, I will certainly change that now. 

  2. Good rebuttal but that shows your level of intelligence. I’m fully employed and fully protected and have family that gave their lives in the fight against fascism and socialism btw. Oh well, misery loves company. Good luck with your posturing…

    I’ll pray for you 

  3. Good because they need it. I don’t drink or do drugs and I would much rather “debate” with people who view free speech as a right not to be squelched instead of some of the shameless on this site that would like to silence…

  4. Angry at me because I do actual research beyond the stuff that you digest from MSM. Call me names as much as you want, but that doesn’t make your ideology any better than you sound. Our fallen soldiers didn’t lay down their lives for people like you. Suck on that communist 

  5. The difference between tyranny and democracy, it’s very simple. When a government knows everything about you, that is tyranny. When you know everything about your government, that is democracy.

    Christian Dedvas- 

    European Union, Mep-

  6. 5 hours ago, Specs said:

    That's funny - my kid says that to me every time I try to get her to eat her carrots.

    I wonder what you’ll say when they insist your child get a fourth fifth sixth and seventh vaccination shot. No parent control then, eh? But maybe you’re one of those that are OK with that lol!!!!!

  7. 54 minutes ago, UpperDeck said:

    Hmmm! Just wondering....speed limits are NOT in our collective interest? And despite ALL of the incentives etc quoted, people still speed. Why do you think that is.....stupidity? Selfishness? A failure to shed the childhood belief in one's immortality?

    Stupid is as stupid does, right?

  8. If one has to be persuaded, reminded, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized…if all this considered is necessary to gain compliance. You can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest -quote

  9. Human has been taken out of humanity and replaced with desensitized mass formation or people that have been brainwashed to think that they are superior to others who chose to not be. Simple as that. Unvaccinated are much better off, period. Read the other side of real scientific data. I challenge you to. In the meantime stop the posturing just because you want to feel you’ve done right by the pharmaceutical and government's direction to your obedience. One day you’ll wake up after your 8th or 10th jab and wonder wtf? 
    you have 18x less immunity than the person without max vax. Look up the Israeli science data on over 2 million test subjects. No bull

  10. 23 minutes ago, Kargokings said:

    So you are admitting to being a troll?    Which bible are you quoting from? 


    23 minutes ago, Kargokings said:

    So you are admitting to being a troll?    Which bible are you quoting from? 

    You’re the troll.

  11. 1 minute ago, Kargokings said:

    Read the data before posting dribble. 300 out of 5.4 million is hardly something to base your criticism on. 

    Around half of the country's 600 patients presently hospitalized with severe illness have received two doses of the Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) shot, a rare occurrence out of 5.4 million fully vaccinated people.

    The majority of these patients received two vaccine doses at least five months ago, are over the age of 60 and also have chronic illnesses known to exacerbate a coronavirus infection. They range from diabetes to heart disease and lung ailments, as well as cancers and inflammatory diseases that are treated with immune-system suppressing drugs, according to Reuters interviews with 11 doctors, health specialists and officials.

    Such "breakthrough" cases have become central to a global debate over whether highly vaccinated countries should give booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines, and to which people.

    Funny how some “trolls” protect their decision to go with the narrative and then punch down on people who don’t. The bible talks about people like you. So vaccines work then, right? 
    Good luck with your righteous decision but don’t forget to dribble on yourself once you receive the 3rd, 4th, 5th dose to try to ward off what natural immunity does. 

  12. 1 hour ago, FA@AC said:

    Cover up by media?  You should change your nick to Conspiracy Theory Thinker.

    If you don't want to change your nick, perhaps think critically about the fact that death rates among the fully vaccinated are minuscule compared to those among the unvaccinated.  That suggests that the vaccines work.  Israel isn't the world's most vaccinated country, btw.

    Funny! Maybe change your nick to “Can’t get the blinders off” You should do your research. Israel’s breakout cases are amongst the top percentages of people already vaxed with one and two doses.

  13. 8 hours ago, Jaydee said:

    Unbelievable…..it’s quite obvious that his risk assessment abilities are limited. Would you really want him as your pilot in an emergency situation?

    QUIT and take your righteous indignation with you…there are thousands who would love to have your job.


    ” The pilot says the only way to save his job is to get the vaccine, which he refuses to do.“

    Israel = most vaccinated country on earth=Real scientific data study=most breakout cases= Vaccines do not work=Cover-up by main stream media

  14. On 8/27/2021 at 3:06 PM, FA@AC said:

    26,000 deaths of Covid-19 so far in Canada.  Over 600,000 so far in the USA.  Hospitals overwhelmed to the point that they're on the verge of rationing care.  People begging for oxygen in hospital parking lots in India, Brazil and Indonesia.  That's some minor health issue.  


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