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Get a Life, or something !!!

Kip Powick

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It would appear that my "report card" on a "vacation flight " I posted inwhich I mentioned Upgrades on Pass Travel has precipitated a urinating contest amongst a few who want to beat the crap out of Pass Policy/ Upgrades.

Get a grip fellows, it was merely a comment about how we were treated with, perhaps, a slight tone of an opinion from me. I am sure there are better things to discuss than this little topic. Some of you sound like Grade School buffoons who decide it is better to assault an individuals personality than discuss an issue in a rational manner.

Jeeeeeeese !!!

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Pot calling the kettle black Kip.

Remember the post I put out a week or two ago about the Capt who was bragging about how little he had to work etc etc? Do you remember what your response was?

"And what EXACTLY is your point???!"

All I said in my post was that I was relating a story - you say about your report card that all you were doing was making a comment about how you were treated. Neither you nor I made any sort of off handed commments. Yet you are now getting your back up for someone doing the exact same thing to you that you did to me.

I respect your posts and opinions and will continue to read them. Just seemed like a bit of a double standard to me.

I hope my upcoming vacation is as trouble free and enjoyable as yours was.


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