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Idle thoughts


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Having looked at the postings of late with regards to how the company needs to save money, and the way that this was presented to the Unions makes me wonder if there is a better way.

Instead of all the AC unions/associations running around pointing fingers at each other, why don't we get the people that we have elected to sit down together and come up with some constructive ideas to do something ?

Better to show a united front and that we are willing to offer change before it is enforced on us.

I know that there are those that would I say I'm naive to think that everyone would sit down together but , as a whole do we not make up Air Canada?

Just an Idea.


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Sorry that I deleted the original post!

Good Idea regards your post .....but I still have this feeling that our elected representation will sit on their collective duffs and play the old game of wait and see.

I still believe that now is the time for all the employee groups to sit TOGETHER and come up with a contingency plan or two.
Others will respond to this with the tired old lines of " management got us into this let them get us out". I still think that we should have something to take to the table when management comes with hat in hand.


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Guest 6to8mos

I agree.Our union representitives , by and large ,are very senior, do they feel safe regardless the outcome?

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