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UAE Airlines

Guest Max

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In search of a pilot job in UAE, I was wondering if there are any other companies (charters/VIP/airlines) beside Emirates in UAE that I can apply to.


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Guest ClearRime

There is a Dash 8 2 year contract in the middle east that pays 78K US for F/O. Check it out at avcanada.ca.

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Guest Ray Darr

Hiring now for the expanding A-320 fleet for based in Bahrain. Non-Type-Rated considered.

Also hiring for the B-767 fleet to be based in Abu Dhabi.

Good luck to everyone.

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Guest low torque

Hi Ray
Thanks for the link. I checked on the site and didn't find any reference to the A320 hiring. Is it recent news? Do you know what the requirements are?
Thanks a lot.

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Guest Ray Darr

We're hiring, and all the fleets I mentioned are needing crew. Everyone starts in the right seat then with seniority the left seat is yours.

If you are rated you get first crack. If you are not, Gulf Air is just starting to train crew that sign a bond and they get a portion off each paycheque to pay off the cost. Not sure the amount.

Bahrain IS safe, and the company is a good one. Fleet plans include doubling over the next ten years. More A-320s on the way, and the A-340-500 or -600 are the next to come.

B767's are re-deploying to Abu Dhabi for an all-economy fleet from this summer onwards, other than that the rest of the gang are Bahrain based.

A-320 to A-330 / A-340 (common rating program here) is anywhere from one to three years to move up.

More info later...it's late and I am enjoying time off back home.

Cheers and good luck.

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Thanks Ray Darr. I droped an e-mail with my resume attached as well, Now is the waiting game.

Thank you once again.

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