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It's not looking good...

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Guest George

Oh, no there's no problem, we'll stick our head in the sand and pretend....we've got collective agreements and there's nothing the company can do. My union says so. We'll show them. We've got the resources and money to deal with this crisis. When management stops taking those million dollar bonuses, when management changes how they do things......On and on it goes. Denial is a wonderful thing, especially when it applies to everyone else but you....

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Guest ACguy

Hi George,
I understand your sentiment. However, the blame must stop and passing the buck trend that this era has adopted is over. The blame lies soley upon the company and its' employees. That's right every single one of us is to blame. Why? We are not moving forward to create a better product. The customers speak with their dollars. The obvious message is that we only offer one product>>>to get from A to B on time. Full service or no service they don't seem to care right now. It's all about the dollar or as we know so well the bottom line. The full service airline has done nothing or little to differentiate itself from low cost. It's not my job or sorry I cannot help is not an option for Air Canada employees. The right way is to find an answer or someone who can and see it through to the finish. Make yourself accountable and give your name not just a unifom>>>take pride in your work. This blind referal system to customer service is a crock. As soon as you mention customer service to a client, we as a company and employee have failed. Is Air Canada that big that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing? My God, who is in charge of this circus? Surely, we have all been in this rocky business long enough to realize what the customer wants. That includes contingent passengers as well. These are your customers too, not just some smuck who is lucky to get a ride. I'd have to admit the atmosphere is tough, but we need to face the music. As for management, the sissors must be unpacked and get rid of the red tape. Empower your employees to make the right decision. If they don't, then deal with them later as it should be. The saying goes "better to apologize later than ask permission first". We have a job to get done and we are trained to do it>>>cut us loose. It should not be that a good experience with Air Canada is one which involved the least amount of contact with its employees. We can continually focus blame on the Iraq crisis or 9/11 or even Afghanistan, but the real problem is at home. If you make a good product, people will buy it regardless. Let your union representatives deal with the concession bargining and focus on the customer.
Looking for a Rainbow ;)

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Hi ACguy
Agree with most of your post and have even printed it out to post on the bulletin board.
What bothers me is that the company {milton} has come out with both barrells and targeted the employees to take a hit like he is blaming us. I believe my union will handle that for me but one of the big problems at AC is there image and Milton of course. Most employees I talk with think his policies are awful. We need new senior management or nothing will change.

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Hi Zipper

Milton writes in his letter to the employees; "It's not that our employees have done anything wrong, it's that nothing will ever be as it once was."

I for one totally accept the truth and the sincerity of that statement.

Events and low cost carriers have irrevocably changed our industry. Milton has been way out ahead of other major carriers. If he hadn't been, we'ed be where UAL and AA are today. With UAL in chap 11 and AA about to be, they are finally starting to implement the things that Milton started a couple of years ago.

It's easy in difficult times to blame the CEO and put everything on his shoulders. That is always going to happen. Just who are you going to put in his place. I don't see anybody out there, and if Milton were to be replaced you can be well asuured that the BOD will replace him with a slash and burn expert.

As employees we had darn well better get on board with Milton, or IMHO we are really not going to like the outcome.

Greg Robinson

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As a customer ,the common complaint,is that AC employess just dont give a dam and service is much better at WJ.So until this public preception is changed ,blaming Milton and tossing mud at each other is not the solution.

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Hello CP FA
I've enjoyed reading your posts for a while and it was fun to finally been able to put a face to the name.
I was not expecting to see you in your bubble bath though.
And that was sure "looking good"....

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Guest Tri-spool


I believe you are wrong on that one. Listening to the newspapers rant about the service that AC provides is simple bull@#$%. The service that AC provides is outstanding, so much so that it has been recognized by the OAG for it. I had the good fortune to fly to Rome last weekend with AC and had the distinct pleasure of sitting with an individual who simply loved to fly with AC. He pointed out that, he's flown many other airlines in Canada and the USA and has not found better or more professional service anywhere else. For him, AC was the ONLY real choice in Canada and abroad. I happen to feel the same way. It would be a God awefull shame to lose our national carrier. It not only represents 65 some odd years of proud Canadian aviation history, but also is a benchmark for aviation related salaries in the industry. Every airline in Canada compares itself to AC, and that, I hope and I know will always remain! I guess I feel I need to speak up because I'm sick and tired of hearing negative comments thrown towards AC, whether it be the pilots, the FAs, the machinists, etc. I'm sick and tired of every newspaper in Canada that bashes the national airline starting every sentence with "Money losing AC...". IMHO AC will survive this downturn in travel, there will be some pain, but no more than any other time in history... and if history serve me correct every other airline from Canadian, CP, PWA, Canada 3000, Wardair, Royal, Canjet I, and the list goes on and on have vanished, kaput, cyanara... except one...AIR CANADA. It will survive, and only become stronger!

Rant Over and Out!


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Guest Starman

Not to detract from your ranting, but I just wanted to point out that 4 of the "kaput" airlines you mentioned are now part of Air Canada and part of that proud 65 year history is their history.

...even the part that pre-dates TCA ;-)

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But, that is exactly what AC needs is a slash and burn CEO. Someone who is not intimidated by the unioins but who can also work with union leadership. Way too many middle managers, way too many aircraft types in the fleet. Way too much training in F.O. and on and on and on...

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Sorry, AC can only provide adequate service on international markets and very little in way of service on domestic. The OAG awards are garbage and I don't believe you are so gullable to believe that. AC would never have survived this long hand it not been propped up by the Fe Gov't. Why do you think Westjet is doing so well? Why do you think Milton is running scared with WJ breathing on its heals. Its sounds like you have been into the Koolade again.

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While I recognize your sincerity and fondness for the company some of what you say and how you say it makes me want to hurl.
Milton did not come up with the idea of a low cost airline within an airline. The start up costs of Zip were astronomical. Zip is going though many start up problems that were not expected. The marketing of Zip is a drain on the budget, tv,radio ads everywhere.

Greg..the way I see it, if Milton does his job right we will not like the outcome. If he can't do it than get out of the way.

Please stop comparing AC with the likes of AA and UA....Canadian aviation is not like American aviation. Canada is not a free market industry. America is a free market.
It is clear to me and many others the AC cannot compete in the free market. It never could.
Wishing, hopeing that Milton will show some leadership.

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Guest Tri-spool


Sounds like you've thrown in the towel on the situation. I guess you might as well start chugging the Koolade yourself!


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Guest ACguy

While some of your statements maybe fact others are not. I challenge you on the ideal that AC cannot compete in a free market industry. Canada has NEVER enjoyed that luxury within the borders of aviaiton. Between the Competition Bureau, Airline Ombudsmen, and Government watchdog bodies Air Canada's fares have been force both to increase for predatory pricing and decrease for "price gauging". You statement Canada is not a free market industry stands and we must live with it. You have to admit Milton is ahead of some other full service carriers weather you like it or not. You also have to realize that this is the ideal moment to request concessions for unionized labour. Look to the south, and east. The bottom line is not pretty nor is the envirornment. Milton is just following a trend can you blame him?

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Gee, I didn't think there was anyone left at Air Canada that hadn't seen that picture of me in the tub. That picture's at least 20 years old, and an amazing number of AC pilots I've met over the years have told me that they didn't recognize me with my clothes on. Almost as many as the number of CAIL flight attendants who have seen a picture of the Love God in his underwear. ;)

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Gee, I didn't think there was anyone left at Air Canada that hadn't seen that picture of me in the tub. That picture's at least 20 years old, and an amazing number of AC pilots I've met over the years have told me that they didn't recognize me with my clothes on. Almost as many as the number of CAIL flight attendants who have seen a picture of the Love God in his underwear. ;)

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I do blame him. Who else can you blame? You and I don't run the airline. He looks to me as though he is lost in the woods. If you say he is following a trend, why? Why doesn't he show some leadership and originallity. Anyone can do what he has done.....
Looking to the south or east does not tell the story. There is no airline in the world like AC and its Canadainized industry. Sorry, no comparison anywhere. They have it all and they are still failing. Shame on Malton.

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Guest ACguy

Well to be frank, Zipped, look in the mirror(provided you work for AC). I will refer you to my pervious post. Milton did not single-handedly put us in this position. Our situation was partly world events and timing combined with decisions made by unions, managers, and yes Executive Officers. Most of all though it was the atmosphere AC/CAIL CRA/QK/ZX created post merger. So many hard feelings, resistance to change, emotions have poisoned our cabins and lounges. A smile is increasingly difficult to spot. You think the customer doesn't pick up on this? Your only fooling yourself. If you glance at a newspaper article where inveriably someone is in the wrong, a list of excuses and explanations will follow. What an era we live in. Abuse someone and blame it on your past history, doctor, medication, alcohol, etc. Face facts, your product is inferior right now....why? We must find out. What are you willing to do to change that? Blame Milton, ask for his head maybe... Accountability is everything and I accepted Milton's decisions as hard but possibly just. We must do what is required now, not just find a scape goat. Customers don't buy excuses they buy a service or product.

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Guest Pat Reid

Now how did that go..... 5%of the staff cause 100% of the customer relation problems


And 100% of AC's customer relations problems get reported by the media. Imagine if the media reported 100% of every companies customer relations problems. But then that would be fairness in journalism, an outdated concept.

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