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Re: Lifestyle for wives in the UAE and the ar

Guest Ray Darr

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Guest Ray Darr

(This is a reply to a post that may drop off the screen soon..regarding us Canucks living in the Mid-East)

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Hi Nigol.

We had the same concerns (how the wife is "accepted" by the locals) before we moved over to the sandbox, but Bahrain and Dubai and the two more tolerant places for westerners. Abu Dhabi also. The way one is accepted elsewhere in the region starts to drop off...but rest assured, both Bahrain and Dubai are very easy for the wife. She can wear (almost) anything that they wear at home. Just play it smart and do the usual leaning-to-conservative (especially during Ramadan) and she will be totally fine.

In Bahrain only about 30% of the women are wearing traditional (head to toe) clothes, and in Dubai it drops to maybe 10%, if that.

These are very cosmopolitan places to live and you both will enjoy it. Just remember it is their playground and their rules, but they're quite tolerant to us "western" types!

See you on the freq's!


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