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Guest 1pawn

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I'm somewhat puzzled....
Among the folks I work with, I'd say maybe 15% are happy with the shift they got... another, maybe 20% are not too unhappy... and the other 75% are downright miserable.

The last method for deciding crew assignments that I was familiar with, usually ended up with about 80% happy and maybe 15% not too unhappy and a very few junior guys who couldn't get anything they'd like.

Where is the sense in keeping so many people unhappy with the shift they have to work? How many years does it take in YYZ to be able to get off fixed midnights? 17 isn't enough apparently. Or is that just because I'm from the wrong side of town?

I'm sorry, I should have said I don't expect anyone to be able to answer any of those questions... and I'm not blaming anyone... I'm just at a complete loss to see any sense in any of this... But you guys went and voted in all your own people to handle our contract negotiations? People who have allowed this kind of nonsense to continue? I have no idea, but I sincerely hope not....

Forgive me, I'm bummed... Clearly this is a black day for a lot of folks in Toronto.

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