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C.a.r.s Question


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I'm looking for the standard that requires the mounting of portable oxygen bottles. (by portable I mean Cabin crew or medical bottles installed in the aircraft and not supplemental passenger/guest bottles boarded for a specific flight)

I've found a ref for fire extinguishers and megaphones but nothing for O2 bottles?

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks, Brett

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551.405 Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)
(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)

(a) Introduction

This section contains acceptable standards of airworthiness for Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) required by Parts VI and VII of the CARs.
(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)

Information Note:

The operational requirements of CAR VI and VII require protective breathing equipment for two different roles:

(1) use of fixed or portable PBE by flight crewmembers (i.e. pilots, flight engineers, etc.) at their assigned duty stations on the flight deck - PBE is easily accessible for immediate use by the flight crew members at their duty stations (Note that per FAR 121.337, the FAA requires that these items of PBE meet TSO-C99 or TSO-C116); and
(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)

(2) use of portable PBE by all crewmembers (i.e. not just flight crew but includes flight attendants) when investigating and combating fires throughout the aircraft (Note that per FAR 121.337, the FAA requires that these items of PBE meet TSO C116).

(B) Definitions (From CAR 101)

“protective breathing equipment” - means equipment designed to cover the eyes, nose and mouth of the wearer, or the nose and mouth where accessory equipment is provided to protect the eyes, and to protect the wearer from the effects of smoke, carbon dioxide or other harmful gases. (inhalateur protecteur)

© Equipment

The design standards in the following documents apply:
(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)

Standard Criteria for Acceptance for Installation Current - as contained in Chapter 537:

(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)

(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)



(d) Installation

Information Note:

Although no installation standards are specified in this section, section 551.03 requires that the installation of equipment meet the applicable standards of the certification basis of the aircraft. In addition, CAR Part VI and VII also specify installation requirements for PBE.
(amended 2009/12/01; previous version)

551.406 Seat Belt

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551.03 requires that the installation of equipment meet the applicable standards of the certification basis of the aircraft.

This is the part I can't find?

I'm trying to quantify my believe that you can not simply put portable O2 bottles in an overhead bin and call it loose equipment. As silly as it sounds. I had a discussion with someone who claimed there was no requirement to mount the bottles and so far I haven't been able to prove him wrong.

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Airwothiness Manual - 525.789 Retention of Items of Mass in Passenger and Crew Compartments and Galleys ?

(a) Means must be provided to prevent each item of mass (that is part of the aeroplane type design) in a passenger or crew compartment or galley from becoming a hazard by shifting under the appropriate maximum load factors corresponding to the specified flight and ground load conditions, and to the emergency landing conditions of 525.561(B).

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AME. you are correct in the assumption but I also cannot find the correct reference. I do know in the past we had an engineering order to install the brackets to restrain the bottle in the overhead bin for both protable and medical oxygen bottles. I would think this falls under the installation of PBE and Emergency equipment. Any Emergency equipment must be in a fixed position and noted on the Emergency cards so storing it loose just does not make sense. The location of the Emergency equipment also needs TC approval.

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Perhaps this might help?

551.405 Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE)

Para a (2)


The TSO is here (ref section 5)



This TSO’s standards apply to equipment intended to providecrewmembers with portable PBE (using a breathable gas) that can be used during emergency
conditions to locate and combat a fire in the airplane cabin, or any other accessible compartmentat cabin altitudes. This equipment may be suitable to administer supplemental oxygen or firstaid oxygen to occupants, if oxygen is used as the breathable gas
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