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Airline announcements


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Airline Announcements

Now, before someone jumps on me to say I "need to get out more" or that I "need to get a life" I'll say that I know this isn't a serious world crisis but I find nonsensical announcements to be annoying.

Air Canada Service Directors make this announcement after the aircraft has landed and is taxiing to the gate; "...if you need assistance you can ask one of our colleagues on the ground". It makes no sense because by that time we are also on the ground. If that announcement was made while the aircraft was descending toward the airport it would be fine or the announcement could be changed to say, "...ask one of our colleagues at the gate". I have submitted a suggestion to have the announcement changed.

There is one announcement that the Westjet agents always make that I find equally annoying. It's the "This will serve as the final boarding call for flight XXX" Why have the, "this will serve" part? Is it the final call or not, if it is just say, "This is the final boarding call for flight XXX". Grammatically, it's like the agent is saying that the call they're about to make isn't really up to standard or correct in some way but will have to "serve as" or "take the place of" the proper announcement.Scratch-Head.gif

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As I said on another thread.......my 3 1/2 year old granddaughter has a better vocabulary and can put grammatically correct sentences together better than some High School graduates.

You are not alone Seeker....I guess I knit pick the language as well but if someone doesn't .........we'll all be using text OMG..LMAO..TLDR and sure as hell someone will create pronunciation for that crap as well.

Nothing wrong with submitting suggestions...( I got $$ from AT for doing that !!!)

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Direct vs. non-stop. A bit confusing.

You're right about that! I learned this lesson the hard way when I took a "direct" PWA flight from Victoria to Regina about 25 years ago - stopped in Princeton, Penticton, Kelowna, Golden, Calgary, Lethbrdige....glare.gif.

Say CanadaEH, BTW, would you be able to forward my suggestion about changing the "This will serve as" part of the Final Boarding call announcement?

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Ehhh....PWA never served Princeton, Golden or Lethbridge.

Yeh, just picked a bunch of places inbetween YYJ and YQR for humourous effect - it was probably Penticton, Kelowna, Cranbrook and Calgary but I honestly don't remember the exact stops only that there were too many of them.

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Ohhh the irony of somebody gramatically picking NITs, and spelling it "knits". :075:

Uh-huh...and I won't go back and change it :biggrin1: because we are discussing.............. as far as grammar goes, speaking correctly, knot writing!!!:dueling:

We could start a thread entitled "Spelling Police and what they find".:Grin-Nod: :Grin-Nod: :Grin-Nod:

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