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Has any pilot seen one of these....???

Kip Powick

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This is a Weather Whiz Wheel..

The model is the Telex FDK-5

Two sided plastic and measures 6 inches in diameter

Found it at the bottom of a box of "I used to do that" stuff.

If anyone wants it, PM me and I'll mail it to you

Hi Kip, never seen one of those before - can't really imagine that they'd be needed. Scratch-Head.gif Weather isn't that tough. Anyway just a suggestion but maybe you should consider sending it to a aviation museum rather than just to another pilot. Probably better in a display cabinet than sitting in another desk somewhere.

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Hi Kip, never seen one of those before - can't really imagine that they'd be needed. Scratch-Head.gif Weather isn't that tough. Anyway just a suggestion but maybe you should consider sending it to a aviation museum rather than just to another pilot. Probably better in a display cabinet than sitting in another desk somewhere.

Jeeeze...I'm not that old...museum????

Anyhoooo...another aviator has already PM'ed me......and it will be mailed tomorrow morning. ..:wink_smile: ( perhaps when he is finished it can be "museum" material):biggrin2:

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I wouldn't advise flying on this data, but I find a good Weather Dog is all I need. Let him out for a pee in the morning, and when he comes back in...: if he's white, it's going to snow today; If he's wet, it's going to be a rainy day; if he feels hot, it's a sunny day. Works every time. :P

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Was that army issue? (ha ha - just having fun).

But it is outdated. Sitting at the gate, checks done, waiting for pax to load so I open the iPad to get a final weather look-see. In addition to the regular aviation briefings, look at the kind of weather we can now see:



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The iPad has the potential to replace almost everything in a flight bag for a very reasonable cost. It could make integrated EFBs unnecessary.

What's an iPad???:biggrin1:but I do know what an E6B is( no battery or "connection" required)!!!:icon_butt:

I was a brand new FO on a WD A310. We were leaving YWG for YYZ, back in 1988. as we taxied to the button of RW 18, the FMS screen went blank....we lost all the 'magic' Nav Aids. The 'young' Captain was horrified..."We have to go back and cancel the flight", he said. (The weather was pretty much severe clear everywhere).

I said, " Why don't we just use the ADFs and track the airway on them?' (some of you would remember what an ADF is and also remember all the ADFs on that sector).

The Captain was aghast.....he really didn't know that 'tracking' with ADFs from YWG to YYZ was possible :Scratch-Head: . (Just advise ATC of the aircraft Nav Config change and go)

We stopped on the taxiway .............. the AC mulling over what to do......, the errant homo-tron went back to where it was supposed to be and the FMS sprung to life..... Captain sooooo relieved ^_^ .

In my opinion, having a workable back-up plan with the out of vogue gizmos, (in this case - an old E6B and ADF) is always nice to have...(even a weather whiz wheel that has a lot of "refresh your weather knowledge" info on it):checkmark:

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Well okay then. So how do you justify that modern gadget on your boat known as an "engine". Folks like Spinnaker have been sailing the planet for centuries with nothing but the wind and the currents to make it go.

All tongue in cheek of course. wink_smile.gif

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Well okay then. So how do you justify that modern gadget on your boat known as an "engine". Folks like Spinnaker have been sailing the planet for centuries with nothing but the wind and the currents to make it go.

All tongue in cheek of course. wink_smile.gif

There are so many electronic gizmos and gadgets that make noise and sparkle in my boat that a "rag" or two wouldn't even get it moving..... even if I was going down stream/river. The keen desire for comfort , at my age, and many toys we carry force me to use twin engines...............!:Grin-Nod:

Sail vs power?? When I go somewhere, I want to know I'm gonna get there and not have to depend on an unpredictable force to get me moving and finally............There aren't too many "stick" boats out there that do not have an engine..and.............I've pulled a few "stickers" off the shoals and towed a few in but I really have never seen a "ragger" towing a power boat.:thumbup:

Now feel free to go for it "Spinny "

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What you all need is to come west for a few days and take in:

YVR Boat Show

Morning John,

YZ has a very good boat show as well,...... middle of January. Lots of nice stuff but there seems to be a degradation of quality in a lot of the boats we have wandered through. Lots of real "plastic" now and even in very expensive boats the workmanship is not there.

Once you pass about 2 million $$ the quality is back but I have seen, first hand, many 40 - 50 footers where, who ever designed/built the boat took the cheap route and in many instances little thought seems to be given to what an avid boater really wants and needs in a vessel. I have been on some very large SeaRays, close to 1 million$$ and the interior really looked really very cheap...each to his own I guess.

I sympathize with the new boater as all the glitz looks very nice but reality sets in once they actually get out there on the water.

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