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The WX seemed to moving to E-SE and their arrival seemed to coincide with the trailing edge of the rain squall.....................however there still could have been micro bursts......reminds me of the DC 10 in Texas.

I would have requested a VFR/IFR hold out in the clear area and done a couple of orbits and confirmed the rain had subsided, and asked for an update on the wind about every 5 minutes....but then again ...I wasn't there.

Stupid-Lucky or whatever.......

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From the brief look at the radar we got, continuing the approach and then going around would just bring you closer to the areas of heavy precip, I'm guessing that by Go Around you are suggesting abandoning the approach. Nasty things Micro Bursts/downdrafts.

I would have requested a VFR/IFR hold out in the clear area and done a couple of orbits and confirmed the rain had subsided, and asked for an update on the wind about every 5 minutes....but then again ...I wasn't there.


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I've said this many times but it's worth repeating. What would the ride have been like had they been forced to go around? Too many pilots focus on the wx between the FAF and the runway and forget that the missed approach path is just as important, as a go around may have nothing to do with them or the weather and could be caused by an errant vehicle or another aircraft.

Very lucky indeed. crossfingers.gif

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Pushing it, for sure. They got the job done, but with 4 red PAPI lights... ninja.gif

Well OK.....but.....it was basically a rainy- visual landing at that time so I think going a bit low on the final PAPI lights, especially on a drenched, and still being drenched runway would be OK. I guess the real question is...

Would you have even started " that" approach based on radar and visual cues?? closedeyes.gif ...(I would not)

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