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Refueling Over Iraq


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This excercise takes a lot of practice to do it right, and these pilots make it look easy. (It's not.) In 1985, I did acceptance checks on the first batch of Canadian CF-18's to arrive in Europe, and many of them had damage to the nose area of the aircraft, some had bashed off the AOA vane. Inserting the aircraft refueling probe into that basket can be a tricky task... as I'm sure many pilots who frequent this board can attest to. :023:

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Also take into account that this was a C130-J aircraft delivering the fuel. It flies quite a bit slower that a KC135 or KC10 making the task that much harder and the F/A18 wants to be going fast.

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Also take into account that this was a C130-J aircraft delivering the fuel. It flies quite a bit slower that a KC135...

Our guys were using the 707 to do that job... (a Canadian "KC-135", I guess) how much faster than a Herc would it fly while delivering fuel?

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