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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Color Co-ordinated Do It Yourself Face Masks facemask.MP4
  2. I used to be able to do all that stuff too, but, I must admit my bike was a lot easier to ride.
  3. Prefer those times in the past where blood started pumping and hearts started thumping Three minutes of easy eye candy and then into the groove... go full screen
  4. Proof That Cellphones Can Cause Headaches Headaches.MP4
  5. Malcolm said I can agree that the media coverage is non ending but so is the virus and that seems to be never ending. To ignore the news is a little like an ostrich burying it's head in the sand. Knowledge is after all power. Hindsight remains at 20/20 I never suggested we ignore the news, what I was trying to covey is that having the virus as the headliner on every news cast is getting mind numbing. Good grief Malcolm, are you assuming everybody who offers a rebuttal is flaming ??? I do not....... but I am sure that some may post that I am totally out to lunch, crazy, and not in touch with reality..... and years ago we used to call that "flaming"....not that long winded explanation you posted and I have never seen anyone lace a reply with profanity aimed at another poster on this forum.........beside I know who you are and you know who I am........no anonymity between us...?
  6. Malcolm, What you say i s definitely true but I think I am echoing what a multitude of people are feeling. I am so sick of all radio and TV stations carrying hour by hour, day by day blow of the virus, the pending vaccination, the arguments by the "talking heads" concerning what one state, one province, and one country is doing NOW....All this information is mind numbing and after awhile, many people just tune out,. The number of deaths is astounding and the media keeps comparing the totals of every disaster every country in the world has had in the past to the deaths being cause by the virus now. There are just so many stupid people out there that do not, and will not adhere to the directions given by the experts as to what every individual should do to "flatten the curve" so after awhile, and I am one, I just don't care about the fools that feel they are immune and are "spreaders" of the virus and I even care less when individuals who do not abide by the rules "die". This whole freaking mess could have been solved months ago if someone in authority locked down every business and had people stay home for 30 or more days but politicians are politicians and they want to be reelected so they are not going to pi--off an entire city/province, but rather take it easy and "appear" to be doing what is best for the country. Does anyone feel that our country, for example, would disintegrate if we locked/closed all the borders, ceased ALL travel, mandated masks, and told the public to stay in doors for 30 days ? ?Yes, if I were King, there would be some autocratic regulations in place because.....as King I don't have to worry about re-election. Remember when PET was asked by a cheeky reporter if he would invoke the "War Measures Act" during the FLQ crisis . I am definitely not any Trudeau fan but I cherished his answer........"Just watch me".. There was a leader ......at that time If you, or anyone reading this, has lost a loved one to the virus, I am truly sorry and I sympathize with you but I will always wonder........did it have to happen ?? Maybe not, if someone had the intestinal fortitude to take a very unpopular, but NECESSARY, stand as soon as this whole debacle started.. Flame away...it's just my opinion...
  7. As far as I know, it is just a special day in Thailand..
  8. Friday Fun Be a cool ride... Thailand Helicopter.mp4
  9. Man...that is so crappy...2.23 minutes of my time wasted...I gotta have a drink?
  10. Interesting how it was done.... https://global.jaxa.jp/press/2007/11/20071113_kaguya_e.html
  11. I do not know the legality of the first line...but here it is on a world- wide public forum ????...anyone ???
  12. Friday Funny.... If you don't see yourself in this video at least once, then you have been living on another planet. Scroll down to get to the START bar then scroll up to centre the video Cheer Up.mp4 Cheer Up.mp4
  13. Doing My Part.....Saving a Few Trees saving the environment.mp4
  14. Well my actual flying time is heavily loaded to the prop side.....prop hours about 17,200 all twins and quads except for the Chippy, Hazard, L-19, helos and occasional pvt bird,........the rest is all jet time. It's all the low level wx and aerodynamics knowledge that I am dredging up. Fortunately I have a friend who loaned me the DND equivalent to the old Weather Ways...Saw the old Weather Ways on EBay for about $52.00CDN Thanks for the offer ....
  15. Got two emails from AC today......travel voucher, that never expires, for the exact fares I spent for YLW-YYZ back in April and then rebooked October and cancelled again Next email came with PIN code to activate when booking another flight using the voucher. Maybe next Fall I'll head West, or at least try to ?
  16. Thanks Rich but going back to props??
  17. Well I am not a boomer but am on the same page....If I go downtown and use my CC (love to do it with the iPhone?) and then come home, I sit down and do an on-line payment.
  18. Dunno...after the COVID balloon bursts there are going to be a lot of folks that just want to "get out of Dodge", lack the funds, so perhaps AC's plan might just work.....only time will tell.?
  19. Re. the ride....lots to do, exams to pass, flight check etc....hopefully this old soul and pull it all off..... Have patience my friend..?
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