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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Quite the ego, re the author, but when the entire article is read, one can understand that it is quite valid...?
  2. Y'know, it might just be worth it.....for a change of meals, and scenery, from being down here in "the bunker" day after day.
  3. He cruised with us once on Princess but he is a Celebrity fan.....says food is better.?
  4. Thought of that at one time, just to try it out, but decided not to. The only time we were in the room was "bed-time" and the rest of the time we sat on the balcony, sometimes until 1-1:30am. after the shows...Baileys and ice.? I guess if there are more than 2 in the party, I really don't think it is worth the extra. My brother-in-law books "inside cabin and the only time they are there is during sleep and he goes as cheap as he can. I booked with an agent in Texas and I told him what I wanted, including "free " gratuities, and $300.for the Casino. We always booked our wedding Anniversary so they threw in a free bottle of wine, complimentary supper in the "elite" dining room at no charge and a two person Anniversary cake.. I sent a note to the Captain on one trip asking if I could go tour the bridge, but he apologized and said it was against company policy but in my note, I stated that I was a retired Military Pilot so he "thanked me for my service", and another "free" bottle of wine showed up in my room. I have a buddy who has done about 20 cruises. He used to spend the winter in Florida and they would drive to the boats and see what was available.... $300/00 person...free grats etc ..7 days in the Caribbean once !!! Even with all the cheap trips he got a Captains Gold Card and lots of perqs when out at sea.
  5. Same line..Princess...Never too crowded, smaller boats, and older pax..... ..Kids gave us a 14 dayer, balcony, for our 50th Then did another 7 dayer the following year and another 7 dayer the next year (all cruises out of Fort Lauderdale ) Wouldn't book unless I could get a balcony?
  6. Analytical data Male…….. is using “flute” glasses which are normally poured at 4 oz (Champagne) Female… is using white wine glasses, (although they look like red wine glasses), and poured at 5 oz Male starts with 48 oz of champagne = or almost 2 bottles of bubbles (25 oz/bottle) on the table Female starts with 60 oz of white wine = 2.2 bottles of wine……….…(25 oz/bottle) on the table When any “checker” is “ kinged” it looks like they double the amount of bubbly and drink it Cigarettes appear about 40 seconds into the game so based on the length of the game, and the amount of drinking, (most smokers smoke more when drinking), we can assume 2 cigarettes each per game. Conclusion…..If this couple plays checkers in this manner every night they are leaning toward alcoholism or if that doesn’t get them, then in the longer term, cancer from excessive smoking may be their downfall. However, this video, being TikTok, is probably a set-up and I would think, maybe, perhaps….apple juice and water??? I hear my wine fridge calling and almost supper time….CYA?
  7. If you have about 20 minutes, you should find this interesting.....Shuda gone into the metal recycling business?
  8. There are lots of scuba clubs in most major cities and their prices vary. All the prelim work is done in a classroom and a pool so there is no worry about weather . PADI is one of the better courses (Professional Association of Divers). You can take the course at age 10 but you would only get a PADI Junior Open Water Certification and would have to wait until 15 to get an actual PADI OPEN WATER certification From PADI website..............Junior Open Water Divers age 12-14 years old can dive with a certified adult other than a parent, guardian, or PADI professional, and they may dive to 60 feet (18 m). ... Upon completion, however, the student is not qualified to dive independently or even with a parent or guardian. They must wait until age 15 to become a qualified PADI OPEN WATER diver. The best advice I can give you is to do a bit of the school work first and see how the youngster makes out in a pool. Some people are "gung-ho" until they have to breathe under water so don't waste money on gear etc until you find the individual really LOVES the water. If they get hooked. If they get hooked, then equipment and further courses becomes part of their water world The qualification to dive 60 feet plus must be done in OPEN WATER...not good in Canada during the winter but can be done at a resort but resorts are very expensive.
  9. Yes...it is cold in Canada in the winter but imagine how much they could have saved if they had stayed home, and perhaps missed the virus altogether........ and turned up the heat. I was shortchanged in March of 2020 when I was told I had to go home after just one week of scuba down south. I thought I might give it a go in December, 2020 because I felt March 2021 might be in the middle of COVID . I did a lot of reading, watching news, considering, and nixed the plan based on what I understood.........looks like I will be lucky if I can get back underwater in March 2022
  10. Yes, I hope I am a "typical Canadian"...trying, in my own small way to leave this world for my grandkids in better shape than what I am partly to blame for. You may think that is wishful thinking but when you have the time.......look around and you should be able to see that the money these guys are spending on an 8 day vacation could do so much down here, Two weeks after they get back, no one will remember their name but.......build a school or two for the benefit of mankind and perhaps their legacy will be remembered. JMO and I can live with it.?
  11. That money could be used to help the unfortunate/clean up where ever he resides, not a 8 day vacation in space..
  12. Re Boat....I don't ever want to be on any boat that has me and 4904 other passengers and about 2000+ crew members no matter how spectacular the inside is.. I get antsy being in line in a bank with only 3 people ahead of me ? Just too crowded but I think it will be quite a while before they ever see a "full" load and boats near that size are generally referred to as a " floating petri dish "...?
  13. A buddy sent me a picture of Bernie sitting on my boat?
  14. Number of guests on the original flight ?
  15. More photos here...... http://www.avherald.com/h?article=4e1e21a4&opt=0
  16. Initially 50K to 100K , there are sites that are advertising a near $600.00 watch for $167.00 with the magic parts installed. I bought 3 watches on EBay about 7 years ago, same company, but different designs, one of which is almost all rubber because of banging wrists and hands when working in the boat engine room. All three are still running, I have not replaced any batteries . My cost on EBay was $18.00 USD ($6.00USD/watch) I guess these new "magic" watches are very accurate, a great conversation piece, but IMO in my entire life I have never looked at a watch I was wearing and said" Damn, I wish this thing was more accurate!"
  17. I have a hard time just doing it the way I learned back when the earth was cooling.. ..now this ??? Fun for you and kids ? aef today.mp4
  18. Every Spring when I go by the Kingston Yacht Club enroute to 1000 Islands and all the "stick-boats" are out 'practicing'..?
  19. Captain Roger Ramjet pulled into the crowded parking lot at the Yorkdale Shopping Centre and rolled down a car window to just about halfway. He had received a Labrador Retriever puppy for Christmas and wanted the puppy to have fresh air. The puppy was stretched full-out on the back seat and the Captain wanted to teach the dog to obey his commands. Captain Ramjet started to walk to the curb backwards, pointing his finger at the car and saying emphatically, "Now you stay. Do you hear me?" "Stay! . Stay!" The driver of a nearby car, a pretty young blonde, gave the Captain a strange look and said, " Why don’t you just put it in Park ????
  20. In our case baggage was always a challenge when we went south because of our scuba gear. In the early days of WestJet I was approached by an WJ exec and asked what I felt was appropriate as far as free baggage - sports equipment, (in our case scuba gear), and I basically gave him the list that was pretty well identical to AC and Air Transat. WestJet did come out with a sports gear/scuba free baggage and actually copied AC and Air Transat. I did advise WestJet that there was no real reason to include ONE EMPTY SCUBA tank per person but they put it on their FREE list anyhow. We went south on all three carriers for over 18 years and NOT ONCE did I ever see, talk to, or hear of anyone bringing their own air tank....why would you when every dive shop has tanks available at destination and if you wanted to go off the reservation there would be a dive shop where you could RENT a tank for a very low fee. I have digressed but the point I want to make is that it doesn't hurt to copy/print a carriers baggage policy out when going on a flight and if there is an incident that should be in your favour, drag out their own policy. We always carried the policy with us and only about three times did I have to bring it out and normally it was because of a new check-in agent who was not up to speed on carried sports equipment.
  21. Where??? Hotels/jails etc. across Canada, or one major location ? Who pays for the meals/ accommodations?? Who decides if their QP is acceptable or not?? If unacceptable, why not send them back from whence they came ....cheaper in the long run and stands as an example for other possible "no good QP" passengers. Stand firm.
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