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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Easier to get a round trip trip to the middle of the Sahara Desert and upon arrival find living conditions more tolerable. Until the day I die , I will not understand why there is any desire to inhabit basically an uninhabitable planet....What "upside" beats the "downside" ?
  3. The prime minister said border officers can't legally deny entry to Canadians, including returning snowbirds — but those who show up without proof of a test could face fines of up to $3,000. Why "could" ?? Is there a sliding scale for the fine? If there is, what are the parameters??
  4. He had his choice.....play at the SuperBowl or at the Grammys . He chose the Super Bowl and then was PO cause he never got a Grammy nomination. The half time show is up to the star to pay. NFL pays very little. WEEKEND put up 7.1 million for his own show. Reviews are not that positive. He had all those guys with the bandages on their faces making a point that celebrities continually goi under the knife to capture their youth.
  5. Just imagine, the first human travelers to Mars, after their 7 month flight, will essentially have traveled through a time warp and will be landing on a planet devoid of life, basically uninhabitable, and a total wasteland and as such they will be the first to experience what life on earth will be like in the future……...…. unless we do something about our present “blue marble”.
  6. Thank you....but I got them all early this morning off another website. Not too many outrageously humerus.?
  7. Yeh, one thing I hate about Canadian TV....not one Superbowl ADD, just the same crap we get everyday. Had to Goooooooogle them to sit and watch them all.
  8. No it was lopsided but I think a couple of penalties the Chiefs got were not right...however, Tom has more $ to add to his 200M now !!
  9. Certainly wasn't the best 1/2 time show. Thank God for CC or I wouldn't know what the WEEK-END was supposed to be singing...if you call that singing. He actually has the one hit but his version tonight bore no resemblance to the actual song. I much prefer a well know band playing not some guy with a million strobe lights, red and white zombies, and magic mirrors. along with fireworks... I would imagine that show cost a fortune to put on but IMO I wasted time watching it....
  10. Bet they wish they had and anchor !! Glad no one seriously hurt.
  11. Lotta hype about arriving over the target at the right time and relying on their super computers....Been part of many fly-bys and all we used was a wristwatch synced to the individual's watch that tasked us to be there at a certain time. That's why whiz-bangs have throttles and speed brakes ? I hope it is a close scoring game..., couple of good QB's there.
  12. Not many farmed in the 60s still using horses. What breed? I believe the work horses were either Barb or Canadian and we had one Quarter horse. The Quarter horse was mine and was used for herding cattle. All the other horses were riding horses. No Photos of the "work" horses but here are a few of my favourite riding horses CHIEF was a "buckskin" and could go all day in the mountains.....All our ride horses were "rein drop stop" PAINT was purchased from Native Canadians on the west side of Lake Okanagen, He was a Wall Eyed APPALOOSA and one of the most sure footed horses I ever rode...he could go down a 60 degree shale embankment and never loose his footing. His biggest problem was he was easily "spooked" if you notice on the right side of his saddle there is a Green "quirt" hanging from the saddle horn. If a butterfly popped up in front of him he would go crazy so one solid wack on his butt with the quirt would bring him back to reality. SHORTY was very placid, easily handled by "green-horns". My brother came home for a short holiday (RCN) and we went back up to "The Cliff" He was on PRINCE who was a sturdy well mannered horse
  13. Farm hands and the tractors sure have changed since I operated a case tractor and hay baler pulling a stone boat. Wow !!! You had a tractor !! Horses are what we used for cutting the fields Horse drawn side mower. There were little triangle blades between those spikes and they moved back and forth to gut the hay and naturally they got dull. The entire blade arm was slid out of the arm and all the blades were hand sharpened with a hand file, when required. Then when it was dry we used this type of horse drawn rake. You drove the horse and when the rake was full you pulled the trip lever to raise the rake and start over. The "hay" was raked into windrows and then each windrow was later divided into miniature hays stacks to further dry and eventually all the little stacks were thrown on horse drawn wagon and off loaded into a hand built big haystack Foe the real youngn's, this is a small stone boat. Rocks in the fields were pried out of the ground and put on the horse drawn stone boat and dumped in an area where they would not be a nuisance to any field machines. The stone boat could be used in winter to take hay out over the snow and given to grazing cattle and horses. And "yes" I am that damned old and used all that equipment. I did not like dirt farming but it did teach me one thing...'hard manual labour won't kill you'.? Have a nice weekend
  14. Did WJ consider a big wage reduction and keep their employees...obviously the contractor is paying less.......or was WJ customer service top heavy to start with and the contractor can do the job with less people and still pay his/her employees less ??.
  15. Depends.... Approximately ...... $540/month ($450 per month if on legal aid). Paid for by the wearer. Prices vary according to Province
  16. 09 January 2021.... With over 39,100 tests completed the positivity rate for the province sits at 9.7 per cent. 03 February 2021.... Ontario's network of labs completed 52,418 tests for the virus and recorded a test positivity rate of 3.3 per cent. The positivity rate has been trending downward in the weeks following a provincewide lockdown order that began on Dec. 26.
  17. The Hottest New Topic You Should Use As A Conversation Starter At Your Next Cocktail Party.. (You're Welcome) Why do wombats poop cubes? Scientists may finally have the answer The common wombat (Vombatus ursinus), also known as the coarse-haired or bare-nosed wombat, poops cube-shaped feces. For years, party goers have been wondering why wombat poop is cube-shaped (yes, really). Now, they say they have got to the bottom of the mystery. Bare-nosed wombats, or common wombats, can be found in the woodlands of hilly landscapes in south and southeastern Australia and in Tasmania. The furry marsupials are renowned for producing distinctive, cuboid poop, which researchers believe they then disperse tactically in order to communicate with one another. Now, scientists at the University of Tasmania have discovered more about the curious phenomenon. It is believed that wombats place their cube-shaped poop in tactical areas to communicate with one another. Using laboratory testing and mathematical models, a team of researchers found there are two stiff and two flexible areas around the circumference of the wombat intestine. The intestine, at 33 feet long, is around 10 times the length of a wombat's body. "This ability to form relatively uniform, clean cut faeces is unique in the animal kingdom," Scott Carver, a wildlife ecologist from the University of Tasmania, said in a statement. "They place these faeces at prominent points in their home range, such as around a rock or a log, to communicate with each other. Our research found that these cubes are formed within the last 17 percent of the colon intestine," he said. The researchers say the distinctive cube shape of wombat poop is caused as a result of the drying of the faeces in the colon, and muscular contractions, which form the uniform size and corners of the poop. Giant wombat-like creatures, the size of black bears, once walked the earth "Bare-nosed wombats are renowned for producing distinctive, cube-shaped poos. This ability to form relatively uniform, clean cut faeces is unique in the animal kingdom," Carver added. In people, food travels through the gut in one or two days, but a wombat's digestive process can take up to four times as long, so the animal can extract all possible nutritional content from its food. The creatures also produce poop that is much drier than human feces -- because they are better at extracting water from the intestine. Carver said the discovery that the cubes are created inside a soft tube reveals "an entirely new way of manufacturing cubes," which could have implications for manufacturing, clinical pathology and digestive health.
  18. Pilot licence for Lamborghini? pilot licence for lamborghini.mp4
  19. Because we have a government that would have a hard time controlling a one-way street you would never see this in Canada.... Single Covid case in Western Australia leads to 5-day lockdown for 2 million https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/31/australia/western-australia-covid-lockdown-intl-hnk/index.html Disregard the initial video / tennis babble. Story starts below video.
  20. Raised on a cattle and horse farm...Maybe that is my problem ???? But used with looters and rioters...I really don't care
  21. And the Government boondoggle concerning COVID 19 continues…. Just think…If the Federal Government, back in 01 December 2020, had stated that the War Measures Act would be imposed effective 02 January 2021 and all modes of transportation, (sea, land, air) in and out of Canada as well as travel within the boundaries of Canada shall cease for a minimum of 45 days, subject to change, by the Federal Government. In addition, all non-essential businesses will be closed effective 02 January for a minimum of 45 days, subject to change by the Federal Government. “ Nonessential” applies to all businesses except for Police, Fire, and Medical. Citizens are expected to supply themselves and their family with what they consider essential goods prior to 02 January and should have in stock, a minimum of 45 days of essential items. Mandatory mask wearing is required by all citizens at ALL times other than when residing in their personal residence. Citizens are expected to curtail all mass gatherings and remain at home as much as possible. Would we be in better shape…?.. I dunno …… but to better this country we need someone who will issue clear cut directions and push the “politically correct” and “ our rights” crowd onto the back burner while we dig out of the quicksand of government ineptitude. In my opinion…………… Canada’s half a$$ed response to COVID 19 , by the Federal Government, is akin to a dysfunctional one-legged monkey, with an eye disease, attempting to put out a dumpster fire with a water-pik.
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