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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Picky-picky, I know but...... Boating Rule # 3...You don't move your boat with the boarding ladder down.....??
  2. Well "G" whiz the pax had fun..... and a short nap.....?
  3. Drive in 50 cities around the world. Check the panel in the upper right and select city, speed, and even radio.. https://driveandlisten.herokuapp.com/
  4. Makes sense......All they had to do was write this way..... At the present time WestJet has 1,250 pilots in its remaining work force of 5,600. About 5,100 employees have been laid off, which includes 450 pilots, since the pandemic caused passenger capacity to be slashed by about 90 per cent.
  5. Need help with the math...I can't compute the numbers UNLESS 1,250 should be 1500 and 5,600 should be 11,600. If that is the case the reporter should have his/her chain rattled. Jeeeeese what convoluted reporting ?
  6. Great Video..Felt sorry for the young lady with the gearshift. Us farm boys probably wouldn't have too much trouble as we had "stick-shifts" on just about all machinery, including all the cattle trucks..
  7. You assume that...... because for the most part suicide is exactly what I stated it is, that I have no empathy for the NOK when someone close decides to do it. You are oh, so wrong but please don't try to make your case based on the fact that all cases can be attributed to the individual suffering from mental illness, because suicide is not entirely based on mental illness....... unless you consider the person is mentally ill at the moment they decide to end their life.... I am sure others would agree that mental illness is not the only reason for suicide. You mention children....do you feel the same way about adults??? Please remember, and perhaps I was not clear in my initial posting that I am using FOR THE MOST PART when referring to suicide and I know, with certainty, about the abyss of darkness when someone extremely close decides to end their time early. If you have never heard of the MAID procedure, I suggest you Google it. My wife of 53+ years was a willing participant, sharp as a tack, lucid and loving to the very end and it was her choice for very personal reasons........and I live as a survivor and will never un-see the absolute worst day in my entire life. And finally...yes I will admit I am very opinionated, and some of my opinions are not even out in left field, they are out of the ball park, but I can live with myself with almost eight decades in the bank, and I fully understand that others have different opinions but take a look at the number of posts I have made and I challenge you to find one post where I may have differed from the poster but personally, i have never posted vitriolic comments about one member of this form. I don't ask everyone to agree with some of my off the wall comments but I do seek civility in any and all conversations. PS...I don't remember the thread but I do recall where you posted you would not read or perhaps it was " not comment" on anything I posted.......I guess, in this case ,"the burrs under the saddle were just too sharp".?
  8. I agree on one point...yes, suicides matter however and it is a big however, there is little society can do about it and the reason for one doing the act is as variable as the means in which they do it.....such is life. To prevent suicide is more the responsibility of those that are close to individual contemplating the act. They would be the first to see the signs of a pending case and we as a society certainly can't put all the cases into one category, ((Done due COVID)) Basically the same can be said about alcoholics and druggies. Anyhow, I don't want to get into a urinating contest over what has happened, what should have happened, and what is happening. It is a mess but we as a society have to bear some of the burden, Exiting stage left
  9. Well I disagree (surprised?). You are correct in that a "hearing" will be required to ascertain why the entire train went off the track and I equate that to closing the barn door after the horses have left the premises. The government should have lowered boom BEFORE things went south. Suicide, to me, is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and there will always be those that can't take the pressure, no matter what the reason...that is a simple fact of life. Similarly there are those that when faced with a problem, turn to alcohol or drugs......there is little anyone can do about that....it is another ugly fact of life. Loss of jobs...tough....again, there will always be those that suffer that fate in such an atmosphere but if they had been endowed with any fiscal responsibility, they would have had a few months salary banked in case of emergency. It is NOT a luxury to have some money put away for the rainy day, it is called pre-planning and personnel financial responsibility. Hmmmm..you feel government employees, who are required to keep the country running, are more for advocating "lock-down" because it won't affect their paychecks and then basically cast the same comment at those that have left the workforce and receive a guaranteed income, (you mean a pension), are of the same ilk. Certainly that is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but there is no factual basis for such a comment. If, however persons want to live day to day, pay check to pay check and max out their plastic then they should be ready to accept the inevitable when it starts to rain . Yes, the Feds have mishandled the problem but they are not responsible for every facet of this dilemma and they could have eased the pain earlier. For example the Feds could have stated that ALL businesses will be exempt all Taxes for a specified length of time to alleviate some of the pain. Landlords and owners of rental properties would also get a financial break and the occupants would be exempt from paying rent for a period of time... Yes, I agree the government dropped the ball but a big part of the problem is that many still feel they do not have to accept the fact that while living their lives it is necessary to think past the next 24 hours. Looking at the reality?? I think I am looking at the reality and it is, and has been, a very bleak outlook that could have been prevented had not the politicians been fearful of exercising some basic sound, but not particularly popular, judgement.
  10. Not an OP-ED...just my opinion..... V-E-N-T-I-N-G…….I am truly amazed at the whining and indignation that is being espoused by so many people concerning travel for whatever reason, and IMO there are NO valid reasons for travel by Canadians, to or from anywhere, during this pandemic, in fact if travel had been fully curtailed shortly after January 2020, this country may have escaped the pandemic altogether but nooooooo, the spineless Feds along with a massive movement of “I have my rights” whiners curtailed draconian anti-travel measures that should have been implemented. Decisions about travel were made by those that felt it would be “unfair” and outside the sphere of our rights as Canadians to impose such restrictions. Time for a reality check……..this pandemic is not just a flu bug on a long leash vacationing across our country, it is a deadly disease that knows no boundaries and has become almost impossible to stop because we, “Carl and Connie Canuck” , did not want any “inconveniences” cast upon our rights that many feel can NEVER be imposed upon. The subject here is TRAVEL during a Pandemic and had the FEDS instituted stronger measures back in the Spring of 2020 we probably wouldn’t have to be wearing masks at this time in this country. Here is my dream list of what should have happened…… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 February 2020 It is announced that 15 February 2020 : ALL travel, by any means into and out of Canada shall cease All inter provincial travel shall cease The only business that may remain open are grocery stores, pharmacies, and Service Stations First Responders, Police, Fire,Medical and Military will be exempt from all regulations Masks shall be worn at all times when outside of one’s residence and in all other buildings/services. Two meter social distancing is imposed and no more than six persons may congregate at one time. Failure to abide by these Canada wide regulations will result in fines starting at $2000.00 for first offence and doubling for each offence there after. These COVID regulations will be reassessed in 30 days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I know it may seem pointless for many but this narrative is about where we are and where we could be , if someone had the authority and the guts to get “ real” instead of worrying about their political future every time they opened their mouth. And finally, do you think banning all travel, as indicated above, would have meant that the great life, as we know it in this country, would be doomed forever ??? If you do, then read a little history concerning what citizens in this country personalty sacrificed, besides over 100,000 lives, during WW 1 and WW 2 .
  11. ....even though, in some instances little, if anything, important is attained
  12. I know that but consider this......perhaps the author saying "uncontained"is not 100 % airplane engine savvy and unintentionally used "uncontained"....not really a big deal is it?? ?
  13. I believe that, in this case, the "Uncontained" refers to the fact that a lot of debris left the engine area. With a "normal" engine fire, no parts of the engine leave the aircraft...the fire is simply extinguished and the engine is out of service.
  14. Best part of the story is that there were no injuries on the aircraft and although the debris field is around 1 1/4 miles long, there have been no reports of anyone injured on the ground.?
  15. Travel During The Pandemic and Other Sad Times One of Trumps strongest advocates, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, decides to go for a vacation in Cancun during the Pandemic while Texas has massive power outages and a " boil water" order during a vicious ice, and snow storm in Texas... Words fail me ...you can read about his escapade in any major newspaper or on TV or Google.. A CP/AC retired pilot friend of mine just sent me an email.......finally has water and power after 5 days
  16. Wadda we do now......?? New York (CNN Business)Bad news for people who frequently use the ? emoji: It is no longer cool. No, No, NO...? https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/14/tech/crying-laughing-emoji-gen-z/index.html
  17. I believe it is a song about a person going through life, and probably done little, or put little effort into life, and is feeling he has not been given his due for what he has done, (nothing), and has the feeling of frustration....... Me ?, I think it a helluva lot better than Justin Bieber's song entitled "Baby" where he says "baby" 56 times in 3 minutes or even Harry Stiles in the nonsense song "Watermelon Sugar " where he says 'watermelon sugar high" close to 23-24 times. To each his own....?
  18. Just for you.......? September Fields You better get up for your mama You better grab the best of your life I know you're ready To get older Anyhow Well all you have to do is wander Over fields of dark time Where do you find yourself Feeling lonesome Do you reckon your body and your mind? Day on earth by the streets at night Oh yeah I saw you passing There in the street lights Do you have A home for the morning And are you holding Holding on so tight You say that's what you have been given A whole lot of nothing for your time And have you sunken Down in your bones Do you toss and turn and turn at night And are you holding, holding on so tight Do you toss and turn and turn at night And are you holding, holding on so tight
  19. I am sure you know....but it is a work of fiction...?
  20. Sorry, don't agree.....whether it was gene driven or not, is not relevant. The start of aviation benefited all mankind and basically made life easier for humans and as we moved on, it made life easier for millions.... As I said....what is the "upside" of getting humans living on Mars? I will bow out now as you, and many more, certainly feel that I am just a constant negative echo when it come to spending trillions on desolate land development.?
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