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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Call me "old school- a dinosaur", I really don't care ...but those of us that were lucky enough to fly the "T-Rex" in the industry knew we were flying a "stick and rudder" aircraft and we had fun doing it. I won't argue fuel range/comfort /economy but am merely stating that the advancement of technology in aircraft will not stop but from a "stick and rudder guy" the fun of flying has decreased immensely. Yes, being x-military I loved yank and bank and a lot of "G", ( I used to be 6'2") and 60 degree banked turns were not a rare occurrence. Yes, the kids of the day fly the glass with ease, and a lot has to do with their background entertainment and I don't have have a problem with that. I went from the C-130 in all roles, including tactical, to the A-310 and was amazed at the technology and was not completely comfortable for the first year or so. Just to prove the technology we took off from YYZ one day and as we hit 18 degrees of pitch, plugged in George and from then on we used the FMS and never TOUCHED the controls until on the runway in YVR......amazing but for me...not much fun. WD A310s went to DND and I ended up on the T-Rex and had the best 10 years of airline flying in my life. Be safe out there
  2. Then you get into the discussion of turning ON or OFF your computer every day. In the days of spinning hard drives it was recommended to leave the computer ON but now I understand that Solid State drives mean no more spinning so you can turn the computer off every nite. Depends on who you talk to on which side of the fence they stand .
  3. Go here to see a very startling TV photo http://www.avherald.com/h?article=4f64be2f&opt=0
  4. Just remember if you turn off your water, to shut down your hot water heater as well ....... Four years ago I had "ON DEMAND" hot water installed....no hot water heater, no hot water tank...unlimited hot water when you want it...love it..
  5. I've always made it policy to shutoff the main water supply line right were it comes in the house if I'll be away for an extended period. Which is a good policy ....however....I needed the water ON for underground sprinklers and the yard maintenance person needed an "open" tap for other maintenance items outside. I covered my a$$ as far as Insurance was concerned as I had a trusted neighbor check my house everyday...my policy says the requirement is every 3 days. Fixed the problem now by having two lines after the water goes through the meter. Each line has an independent on/off valve. So in the summer, the "inside" water can be OFF and the "outside" water can be ON.. I also have 5 WIFI water detectors in the house that alert my cell phone if there is even the smallest leak.....The changes seem like an "Over-Kill" fix but losing my casa and electronic toys for 6 months was a "no-joy" adventure.
  6. Finally the house has dried out........$65-70,000.00 damage and finally I have a house that is completely dry and a computer system that is up and running as of today !! In September of last year I had a flood in the house. The fellow that checks my house called me and asked when I had a swimming pool installed in the "basement"....which is really has a guest bedroom , laundry room., storage room , workshop, and bathroom and the nerve centre for TV computers, and every electronics gadget/gizmo I own. Not going to bore you with the details but would like to pass on something you might want to look at in your residence..... This is the nut that attaches to the fill hose that runs from your bathroom wall to the bottom of the toilet tank and connects at the fill pipe inlet. As you can see the nut blew apart in the top floor bathroom and city water poured out for ??? hours and flooded the entire bottom floor including walls ceilings etc. Sooooooo just a suggestion....check your bathrooms and spend $16-20 on Amazon and get the "fill" hose that has stainless steel nuts on both ends....(normally the end coming out of the wall is stainless) . The Insurance company took that part as they have a class action lawsuit against Chinese companies that produce the item but apparently they don't hold much hope of seeing a cent. Please note...apparently there are new plastic nuts out there are more on the square size and are improved. No matter what you do, never over torque that nut, stainless or plastic, as you are tightening that nut on a thicker plastic fill connection coming out of toilet fill tank Now......to get the boat ready !!!! Have a nice weekend nice to see many of the "old-timers" still contributing to my favourite forum... The biggest problem with the Internet is that not everything on it is true.... Abraham Lincoln......1896
  7. The key word in the above article concerning fines is "FACING". Hopefully the judicial system, (USA), "hammers" all these people and makes a very public display out of their stupidity or there will probably be more "unruly" occurrences.
  8. The plural of aircraft ......is...aircraft. Getting older...Little things bother me..?
  9. Not sure..... but I believe that female has been banned for life on all airlines in USA
  10. Listen to this young girl for 45 seconds and then hear the reality check from the news announcer. You would never hear this on the CBC in Canada. You’ve got to love the Aussies AEF0000000000.mp4
  11. Kinda weird .. I submitted a request on April 30th and got an acknowledgement of the submission yet the TRACK................. says no record under my name......so I submitted another one today and got another acknowledgement of the submission.......... hey !!!! maybe double refund
  12. Very impressive with that number of aircraft. I always have a feeling of great sadness watching that lone "bird" pitch out. I flew in two missing man formations, one as # 4 in a diamond card 5 formation and pitched out, and another as # 2 in 3 plane VIC formation (number 3 pitched out)... we lost some great guys back then but unfortunately most were the result of pilot error.
  13. Re above Shades of the last Episode of Chicago Med......Patient with acute pain in lower right quadrant who believed the pain was from a RED pill he took as he felt it was the only way he could escape this computer generated world and see reality. Docs figured appendicitis but he totally refused treatment..so long story short he was tricked into surgery ,survived but was so freaked out that he did not fulfill his dream to get out of this world and see the real world that he devastated........ Probably a Republican
  14. Perhaps venting on this forum is good for the "inner-self" and it is to be expected...We are all tired of the COVID issues and no matter who puts forth any opinion as to who is right, who is wrong, and who did what, we are stuck in this situation and all the blustering in the world is not going to change feelings deeply embedded in people. I just hope that we, as Canadians, can keep our cool and understand that this is a great country, full of good people, many of whom imbibe on this forum. Those of us that have become "dots" know how good it was, and how much we appreciated each others input into the fun of aviation, and more importantly, respected each and every arm of the industry. Hopefully this entire "dumpster fire" will be a fading memory, in the not too distant future, and everyone can go back to what they considered as a normal way of life. In the meantime just look at this venture as a long walk on a stony beach, in a wicked wind, just to find that one cafe you like is closed... Take care, love your family and be thankful we all live in this land of round door knobs..?
  15. This is a hoot..(Big Screen) Flirting with DEATH.mp4
  16. Based on the just the initial paragraph posted I would say the crew that flew with this gentleman were most fortunate to have a crew member so motivated.
  17. I know, I know....com'on ask me...I know.... !!!!
  18. Yes it is, my mistake..the '56 had a round red tail light and it flipped down, not up
  19. Then there was my first "dream car"....that I never owned... 1955 Chevy Bel Air
  20. I have a friend who is crazy about cars and he buys a used car about every other year. This year he bought a 2020 Buick enclave and a week or so ago he it drove over to show me. Nice looking car and he stated that it was quite a treat to move up to a SUV. He really liked the car but was a bit annoyed in that it took him a while to find the external gas cap because he thought it would be where his last car had it, on the drivers side, rear fender. Sample of the "tell" on a gas gauge I asked him why he never just looked at the fuel gauge as it would "tell" him where the cap was. I showed him how that was done and he was truly amazed....with all the cars he had purchased, he never knew that the gas pump arrow indicated which side of the car the gas cap was on. I started asking a few of my friends, and a couple did not know the answer as well. I wonder how many car buyers never look at the operators manual, ( I would think it is in there) Be honest...anyone reading this in the same boat ??? Trivia.....invented by Ford in the mid 1980's and took a few years to start showing up in other auto makers vehicle
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