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Kip Powick

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Everything posted by Kip Powick

  1. Pretty quiet weekend here in Canada....Not so much in many parts of the world... This posted songs is one of my favourites not only because of the vocal arrangement , and music, but also the message that is projected to those that feel life is just not what you think it should be because of outside influences...Give a listen..
  2. Sounds like pilots fighting the controls with the autopilot engaged ????.
  3. Seeker...Seeker......you should know me by now.....HUMOUR..HUMOUR it is the elixir of my life...( I guess I should have used some emojis??)
  4. She proves that if you have the correct power tools you can fix anything..... Thanks for sharing..
  5. Yes it is , went through with the CV580 about three times....seemed like it was a lot faster than YYZ.
  6. Rich, By the look of your face, I would suggest you get outside and get some sunlight Park the "hobby" for awhile.
  7. This what I got back when I submitted the NEXUS renewal application
  8. I sent in mine and got an email about 10 days later saying they are extending the graced period to one year . You should get a personal email explaining how the system has changed..
  9. Back in the dark ages I was the FO on a Mil DC -3 and overnighted in Yarmouth NS. The next morning we had light coating of hoar frost on the wings. There were no deicing capabilities at that airport in those days but the grizzled old vet I was flying with found a barrel of some kind of fluid, maybe "isopropyl" ....I don' t know what it was but "he" said it would take the frost off.....but we had no way to get it on the wings. The solution?? We pumped the fluid onto inverted garbage can lids, backed up to the wing, and with both hands threw the fluid over out heads and it ran down the wings. We did get a bit wet but the "Captain" made rain coats for us, a garbage bag with three holes cut in it. so it wasn't too bad....but we did smell a bit weird for the ride back to North Bay.........12 April 1965
  10. Oh..my !!! Seriously, was there ever ay discussion about drive through deicing .? .
  11. Yeh and they may get operational this summer. Supposed to be operational in 2021 but there is a problem with SAR techs parachuting out the back ramp and the way the aircraft are configured, the C of G is away out of acceptable limits. Another boondoggle in the purchasing of DND aircraft. Most new purchases are "researched" at HQ with little "present day operators" involved in the discussions. Most planes are selected by Brass Hats that have been flying the BOD for years and have not kept up with the " worker-bees" requirements out in the field. Happens all the time and I can specify one aircraft where the pilots cross-check was shot to hell as "they" kept changing the cockpit instrument configuration.........however not as bad as the RAF where the Brits build a tank of an aircraft but at the last minute remember they need a pilot so attach a cockpit the size of a one broom closet and say "They will adapt"
  12. Couldn't find long enough cords
  13. The 2019 film will not be shown on IMAX. It has been held back due to the theatres operating under pandemic rules. IMAX wanted to hold it but Paramount wanted it in full theatres Filmed when Tom Cruise was close to 60 years old !! Val Kilmer is back as Iceman but with his recovery from throat cancer he will be using a voice box to speak......should be a fun film to watch.
  14. That is the conference room in the WH and he is meeting with the CEOs of the Electric Utilities Companies to talk about the Build Back Better Agenda. He always sits in the centre of the table because directly across from him is a bank of TV monitors he can be directed to if something urgent comes up and there are also few internal CCTV screens where he can talk to a member of the government if he likes. I think the groups on the ends are doing so to ENSURE if one of them tests positive, Biden "should" have been unreachable.
  15. Not sure how long this will be on CNN One commercial and then into it (about 5 min long) Crazy as a Loon and if he runs, if he wins, we are going to have massive immigration from the south https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2022/03/28/donald-trump-windmills-cillizza-the-point-orig.cnn
  16. One of the best videos concerning safety great video_x264.mp4
  17. If you have an iPhone turn up the volume and listen to the answer when you say "Hey SIRI , What is zero divided by zero ?".
  18. If they experienced explosive decompression they would still have time to put on an O2 mask and physically recover themselves, that is a drill all pilots practice. Now if the cockpit was blown off the aircraft .........well we all know how that ends..If the tail blew off, they might recover consciousness but have no control of the aircraft's attitude. In this case, based on the video alone, it would appear that the cockpit and possibly the tail were still on the aircraft. The question is.......why was the aircraft vertical for such a long time and to answer your question about one being able to pull out of the dive.......I don't think the greatest pilot in the world could recover from a nose down vertical dive , at the graphed altitude as seen in the video, the speed would be extremely excessive and no one could ever exert enough pressure on the CC to pull out of that dive. Another facet that will be interesting is whether the Speed Brakes were extended or retracted. Hopefully the black boxes tell the story and if the two recorders were OFF prior to the start of the dive.........then the investigators have another avenue to explore.
  19. Perhaps we are all looking at is in error in the graph.......I find it hard to believe that an aircraft can, according to the graph, go vertical, recover for a few seconds, and then go vertical again........unless the "pullout" of the dive tore the wings off. The "G" loading would be off the clock on the pull out if that did happen..
  20. 1) there is a short video of the CE aircraft in a vertical dive and although it is CCTV the aircraft appears not to be spinning and and it is impossible to see if it had wings on it. 2) there was an accident back in 2006 where an Embraer winglet took of 1/2 of a wing of a B-800 at high altitude, (first loss of a B-800), and the B-800 started down in an uncontrollable spin , broke up in the air and the main body of the aircraft was spinning when it hit the ground. 3) based on that short video clip of the recent crash there doesn't appear to be any spinning 4) it has been reported that there are traces of fire on some of found parts but that could have happened after impact...... unless there is a way to determine fire in the air. 5) I would find it hard to believe that a wing just broke off at altitude in this recent loss.
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